Monthly Winner for August 2022

By Competitions, News

Congrats to our August Winner – Magie wins a $500 Coles Myer voucher! We appreciate your feedback, that’s why each month we give our customers who have recently settled a loan the chance to go in the competition to win a small thank-you gift. This month’s winner is Magie, and…

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Monthly Winner for July 2022

By Competitions, News

Congrats to our July Winner – Nicole wins a $500 Bunnings voucher! We appreciate your feedback, that’s why each month we give our customers who have recently settled a loan the chance to go in the competition to win a small thank-you gift. This month’s winner is Nicole, and she’s…

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Haven Win Winter 2022

By Competitions, News
Fashionista Fido With winter upon us, pets of Australia are donning jumpers and jackets to protect against the chill. Haven Win is on the hunt for the most funky, fashionable...
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Haven Extras Winter 2022

By News

Waste not, want not Australians churn out 540kg of household waste per person, each year. That’s a whopping 10kg for every single person – every single week. More than ever, it’s time to cut our waste. With a little planning and creativity, the environment and your wallet will be grateful….

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Pitfalls and hidden gems

By Finance Help, Investing In Property, News

Navigating the dos and don’ts of investment property returns. Rental properties and holiday homes are once again in the sights of the Australian Tax Office, which has had growing success identifying erroneous claims. Last year about 70 per cent of returns related to investment properties audited by the ATO had…

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Perfect your flip

By Finance Help, Home Lifestyle Tips, News

Renovating for profit can be a tricky business in a cooling market. But it’s more a science than an art if you know the pitfalls. Here are six common mistakes to avoid. 1. Not having a plan This obvious but common error is responsible for a host of renovating sins,…

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